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I Will Be a Herve Leger Designer After Twenty Years

I am a dress designer--HERVE LEGER, and I am a fashion designer was brimming over with good ideas! Over time, I earned the title of top HERVE LEGER designer. Am I smart, surely I do, many people really hope that one day they can buy clothes designed by me. My work is so intense that I even have no time to take a rest. Is this a good tendency?

RRRRRING!! !? The phone ring and I pick up and say, “hello, I am top HERVE LEGER designer--pal, has something come up?" "the simple answer is can you help me design an exclusive dress in the world, the sleeves must be made of phoenix feather but also is golden; The silken garments garment should be sewn by hand, the dress of pattern should sew various types of beautiful jewels; the collar should made of especially pretty gem flower. That is all I want to say today, I think you can do it?!" "Yes, it is out of question, the top HERVE LEGER designer is well earned!" "I want the dress finished by next Saturday is my birthday, and send it to gem load 1#--the gem villa." "Ok, I will do it."
Get off the telephone and think today is Saturday, that means I would have one week left to Make a dress. I think, just a few minutes to design, There’s no hurry, so do it slowly and carefully, but should spent so much time to search for the material, I must search for the material first. I shall be packing my luggage and should take a trip to search for the material of phoenix feather and gem flower.
I come to the Phoenix Mountains. I look up and see a phoenix, I wear a wing dress which I had made myself, and I set off in pursuit at once. I am in hot pursuit, the phoenix descended on the tree, I speak to phoenix, “dear phoenix, can you give me eighteen feathers?" "Eighteen feathers? Of course, but you should tell me what will you do to take these." "Help others to make clothes." "What color do you want?" "Golden." "This matter is a bit difficult, we only have golden feather in winter keep out the cold, haven’t arrived yet." "What? What shall I do?" "I will take you to get golden feather in the secret cave, unless you promise not to tell others, I cannot tell it to you, if you tell to others you will become out phoenix mountains' enemies." "Ok, I will never tell to others." we are to get golden feathers, having taken the feathers, I put them in my baggage, and say, “goodbye, my dear phoenix." phoenix also say goodbye to me, and then I move towards the gem mountain.
Par hervelegerdress le mardi 14 juin 2011


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